Sehatkan Tubuh Anda dengan Nutriflakes Sereal Umbi Garut

Sehatkan Tubuh Anda dengan Nutriflakes Sereal Umbi Garut

Nutriflakes Sereal Umbi Garut  untuk Asam Lambung

Cara cepat, aman, dan nyaman sehatkan tubuh Anda

Nutriflakes Sereal Umbi Garut  untuk Asam Lambung, Cara Cepat, Nyaman dan Aman Sehatkan Tubuh Anda


Apa itu Nutriflakes?

  • Nutriflakes Sereal untuk Asam Lambung adalah produk makanan sehat (super food) berbentuk bubur sereal yang sekaligus mengandung efek terapi untuk penderita asam lambung, maag, gerd dan diabetes dan juga diet.
  • Nutriflakes terdiri dari bahan aktif utama berupa: pati umbi garut, daun kelor, dan psylium husk. Memiliki manfaat untuk penyebuhan asam lambung, pencernaan, antivirus, antidepresan, antiinflamasi, meningkatkan antibody, dan mengontrol kadar gula darah.
  • Nutriflakes juga mengandung bahan tambahan seperti gula aren, susu kambing etawa, madu, krimer dan perisa sintetik vanilla sehingga membuat kombinasi menjadi sempurna untuk terapi orang yang memiliki sakit asam lambung, maag dan gerd agar lekas sembuh dan sehat kembali.




Nutriflakes merupakan produk makanan sehat yang sekaligus mengandung efek terapi, mengandung bahan aktif utama pati umbi garut, daun kelor, dan psylium husk dan juga mengandung gula aren, susu kambing etawa, madu, krimer dan perisa sintetik vanilla.

Konsep Nutriflakes Bekerja di dalam Tubuh Anda :

  • Nutriflakes didesain khusus tahap pertama untuk menenangkan perut kembung.
    Nutriflakes mengandung gula aren dan karbohidrat kompleks dari pati umbi garut yang berefek cepat dalam menenangkan lambung. Perlu diketahui lambung akan tenang ketika diberikan karbohidrat dan glukosa dalam jumlah yang cukup.
  • Nutriflakes didesain untuk memberikan rasa kenyang sekaligus nutrisi yang cukup untuk tubuh.
    Rasa kenyang sangat penting bagi perut karena berhubungan dengan reseptor otak, tubuh yang mengalami kelaparan akan memberikan sinyak ke otak dan diiiringi dengan rasa pusing kepala. Rasa kenyang mencegah efek pusing kepala dan memberikan rasa nyaman di perut.
  • Nutriflakes didesain khusus memberikan rasa kenyang yang pas sehingga tidak kekenyangan.
    Rasa kenyang nutrifakes diikuti dengan kandungan serat dari psyilium husk yang menambah rasa kenyang jauh lebih lama dan nyaman di usus. Nutrisi yang lengkap diperoleh dari bahan seperti daun kelor, madu, susu kambing, dan pati umbi garut.
    Nutrisi yang lengkap ini akan memberikan efek positif bagi tubuh dan memabantu penyembuhan penyakit terutama gangguan pencernaan terutama maag, radang usus halus, radang usus besar, hepatitis, wasir dan penyakit lainnya.
  • Nutriflakes mengandung serat alami larut air dari pati umbi garut dan psylium husk yang merupakan kesukaan bakteri baik dalam perut.
    Fungsi serat dalam usus sangat penting dalam meningkatkan jumlah Bifidobacteria dan mengeluarkan toksin dalam pencernaan.
  • Nutriflakes membuat jumlah bakteri baik dalam usus meningkat dan melancarkan pencernaan.
    Serat larut air dalam nutriflakes juga mampu menyerap dan membuang senyawa berbahaya dalam pencernaan sehingga baik diminum saat diare. Serat pangan mampu membuat pH dalam usus menjadi lebih asam sehingga kurang menguntungkan untuk pertumbuhan bakteri jahat.
    Nutriflakes mengandung serat dan bioflavonoid dari daun kelor yang mampu mencegah diabetes, hipertensi, hiperkolesterolemia, hiperurisemia dan penyakit jantung koroner.
    Bioflavonoid quercetin dari daun kelor dikenal sebagai antioksidan kuat yang mampu mencegah radang, penyakit degeneratif dan metabolik akibat pola makan dan pola hidup modern.
    Pati umbi garut dan psylium husk merupakan kombinasi bahan utama yang sudah terbukti dalam mengobati penyakit maag, gastritis, tukak lambung dan keluhan lambung lainnya, bahkan pada kondisi yang sudah kronis.Ketika penyakit lambung sudah disembuhkan maka penyakit radang usus halus, usus besar bahkan wasir pun dapat berurutan sembuh.


Manfaat Nutriflakes

Nutriflakes ini terbuat dari bahan alami tanpa efek samping dan aman atau baik digunakan untuk orang sehat  maupun orang yang memiliki gangguan pencernaan untuk usia 1 tahun sampai lansia dan aman untuk ibu hamil. Dengan kandungan gizi dan kandungan serat yang tinggi sehingga baik utk kesehatan dan penyembuhan asam lambung.

Mengkonsumsi serat dari Psyllium husk juga bisa untuk mengindarkan dari kolesterol, penyakit jantung, diabetes, obesitas dan racun.

Khasiat Nutriflakes untuk Asam Lambung

Manfaat lain Nutriflakes

  1. Membantu melancarkan pencernaan
  2. Memperbaiki system pencernaan
  3. Membantu terapi asam lambung (maag, asam labung kronis, dll)
  4. Membantu mencukupi kebutuhan serat harian
  5. Mengontrol kadar kolesterol
  6. Mencegah dan penyembuhan penyakit jantung
  7. Membantu mengontrol kadar gula darah
  8. Membantu meningkatkan antibody
  9. Membantu menurunkan berat badan
  10. Sumber vitamin dan serat

Nutriflakes juga bisa didapatkan di Marketplace seperti di Lazada, Tokopedia, dan Shopee.


Kandungan Nutriflakes

Nutriflakes mengandung:

  • Umbi garut sejenis umbi umbian yang kaya akan kandungan dan manfaat.Kandungan zat di dalam umbi garut cukup bervariatif, di antaranya protein, lemak, serat, air, pati, zat besi, magnesium, fosfor, vitamin B6, kalium, folat, riboflavin, dan tiamina. Manfaatnya seperti mencegah anemia, menjaga kesehatan pencernaan, dan baik untuk ibu hamil.
  • Daun kelor Sejak dahulu daun kelor digunakan sebagai bahan pengobatan karena manfaat kesehatannya yang melimpah. Beberapa manfaat daun kelor didapat dari sifat antijamur, antivirus, antidepresan, dan antiinflamasi yang terkandung di dalamnya. Selain itu daun kelor juga mengandung berbagai nutrisi penting, di antaranya adalah protein, vitamin, dan mineral.
  • Psyllium adalah jenis umbi umbian kaya akan serat yang diolah dari sekam biji tanaman yang disebut Plantago ovata. Sebagai serat yang larut dalam air, psyllium dapat menyerap air dan menjelma menjadi bentuk yang kental. Kemampuannya tersebut membuat psyllium tidak tercerna di dalam usus dan membuatnya berpotensi untuk mengendalikan kolesterol, trigliserida, dan gula darah. Serat ini juga diyakini berperan dalam pengendalian konstipasi, diare, dan berat badan.

Testimoni Konsumen Nutriflakes


Alhamdulillah sudah banyak konsumen Nutriflakes yang merasakan khasiatnya, beberapa diantaranya adalah :

  • Deni Rizki
    Alhamdulillah, setelah konsumsi Nutriflakes selama 1 bulan badan saya sudah tidak pernah capek-capek lagi setelah beraktivitas
  • Ibu Pratiwi
    Nutriflakes adalah solusi asupan nutrisi para lansia yang sudah males beraktivitas tapi badan pengen sehat bugar
  • Pak Gombloh
    Saya sudah menderita asam lambung menahun, tapi setelah saya konsumsi Nutriflakes Puji Tuhan asam lambung saya tidak pernah kambuh lagi
  • Ibu Jati
    Setelah saya konsumsi Nutriflakes, maag saya jarang kambuh lagi dana saya sekarang bebas makan apa saja tanpa takut maag kambuh lagi

Cara Pakai / Cara Konsumsi Nutriflakes

  • Tuangkan 3 sendok makan Nutriflakes kedalam gelas.
  • Tambahkan 150ml air panas mendidih, aduk hingga merata. Siap di hidangkan
  • Baik diminum sebelum atau sesudah makan

Harga Nutriflakes Sereal untuk Asam Lambung

harga Nutriflakes Sereal untuk Asam Lambung

Beli 1 BOX Nutriflakes            Rp. 95.000

Beli 2 BOX Nutriflakes         Rp. 180.000

Beli 3 BOX Nutriflakes         Rp. 255.000

Hanya di dalam Tubuh dan Jiwa yang Sehat, Anda akan Lebih Mudah Menjalani Hari yang Berat Menjadi Lebih Mudah dan Nyaman Dengan Nutriflakes.

Sereal Umbi Garut untuk Asam Lambung

Temukan Bahagia Anda Bersama Nutriflakes dan Dapatkan Subsidi Ongkirnya Sekarang. Terbatas HANYA untuk 48 Orang Setiap Harinya.


Audio Format

Long story short, the main factor this next season is the boldness and audacity. Audacity is the name of the game for next season. And you need to actually feel a little bit more empowered than usual in order to carry off the deluge of mauve and pink, electro furs, couture red and glitter lurex from head to toe that ruled the runways in the fashion capitals. Do you already feel over excited about this? If not, let’s delve more into which specific colors and hues will be prominent among the urban fashionistas this winter. The Bubblegum pink is said to be featured in virtually every major fashion collection out there, almost on par with white at times.

Who are you? What is your style? It often happens that we don’t know what to wear and how to look both glamorous and elegant. Read this post and probably you’ll receive answers on questions to were interested in.

With the world of fashion generally known for looping similar trends over the years, one might expect that this time it will be no different story. However, though the fall-winter trends this year borrow heavily from the last year’s ideas and aesthetics, some of the trends that we as the customers are offered vary a bit with its fresh touch of originality.

Also, as if we weren’t getting that whole 90’s idea by now, such things as vinyl and leopard print will also be back in the trend. This is all on the same degree of usage as the Eighties shoulder and the velvet in this season’s winterish clothing. Such unusual styles as combinaisons and the “military” outfit and air force jackets have also gained traction across the fashion capitals of the world. Fashion shows from Milan and London to Edinburgh, New York, and Paris have all had these appear. So, with such a wide variety of funky styles, what would be your personal choice for the Holidays season?

Long story short

Who are you? What is your style? It often happens that we don’t know what to wear and how to look both glamorous and elegant. Read this post and probably you’ll receive answers on questions to were interested in.

Long story short, the main factor this next season is the boldness and audacity. Audacity is the name of the game for next season. And you need to actually feel a little bit more empowered than usual in order to carry off the deluge of mauve and pink, electro furs, couture red and glitter lurex from head to toe that ruled the runways in the fashion capitals. Do you already feel over excited about this? If not, let’s delve more into which specific colors and hues will be prominent among the urban fashionistas this winter. The Bubblegum pink is said to be featured in virtually every major fashion collection out there, almost on par with white at times.

Also, as if we weren’t getting that whole 90’s idea by now, such things as vinyl and leopard print will also be back in the trend. This is all on the same degree of usage as the Eighties shoulder and the velvet in this season’s winterish clothing.

Such unusual styles as combinaisons and the “military” outfit and air force jackets have also gained traction across the fashion capitals of the world. Fashion shows from Milan and London to Edinburgh, New York, and Paris have all had these appear. So, with such a wide variety of funky styles, what would be your personal choice for the Holidays season?

With the world of fashion generally known for looping similar trends over the years, one might expect that this time it will be no different story. However, though the fall-winter trends this year borrow heavily from the last year’s ideas and aesthetics, some of the trends that we as the customers are offered vary a bit with its fresh touch of originality.

Find Your Personal Style

Who are you? What is your style? It often happens that we don’t know what to wear and how to look both glamorous and elegant. Read this post and probably you’ll receive answers on questions to were interested in.

With the world of fashion generally known for looping similar trends over the years, one might expect that this time it will be no different story. However, though the fall-winter trends this year borrow heavily from the last year’s ideas and aesthetics, some of the trends that we as the customers are offered vary a bit with its fresh touch of originality…

Long story short, the main factor this next season is the boldness and audacity. Audacity is the name of the game for next season. And you need to actually feel a little bit more empowered than usual in order to carry off the deluge of mauve and pink, electro furs, couture red and glitter lurex from head to toe that ruled the runways in the fashion capitals. Do you already feel over excited about this? If not, let’s delve more into which specific colors and hues will be prominent among the urban fashionistas this winter. The Bubblegum pink is said to be featured in virtually every major fashion collection out there, almost on par with white at times.

Also, as if we weren’t getting that whole 90’s idea by now, such things as vinyl and leopard print will also be back in the trend. This is all on the same degree of usage as the Eighties shoulder and the velvet in this season’s winterish clothing. Such unusual styles as combinaisons and the “military” outfit and air force jackets have also gained traction across the fashion capitals of the world. Fashion shows from Milan and London to Edinburgh, New York, and Paris have all had these appear. So, with such a wide variety of funky styles, what would be your personal choice for the Holidays season?

Mary Simmons: Summer Shoe Checklist

With the world of fashion generally known for looping similar trends over the years, one might expect that this time it will be no different story. However, though the fall-winter trends this year borrow heavily from the last year’s ideas and aesthetics, some of the trends that we as the customers are offered vary a bit with its fresh touch of originality.

Who are you? What is your style? It often happens that we don’t know what to wear and how to look both glamorous and elegant. Read this post and probably you’ll receive answers on questions to were interested in.

Long story short, the main factor this next season is the boldness and audacity. Audacity is the name of the game for next season. And you need to actually feel a little bit more empowered than usual in order to carry off the deluge of mauve and pink, electro furs, couture red and glitter lurex from head to toe that ruled the runways in the fashion capitals. Do you already feel over excited about this? If not, let’s delve more into which specific colors and hues will be prominent among the urban fashionistas this winter. The Bubblegum pink is said to be featured in virtually every major fashion collection out there, almost on par with white at times.

Such unusual styles as combinaisons and the “military” outfit and air force jackets have also gained traction across the fashion capitals of the world. Fashion shows from Milan and London to Edinburgh, New York, and Paris have all had these appear. So, with such a wide variety of funky styles, what would be your personal choice for the Holidays season?

Also, as if we weren’t getting that whole 90’s idea by now, such things as vinyl and leopard print will also be back in the trend. This is all on the same degree of usage as the Eighties shoulder and the velvet in this season’s winterish clothing.

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Back to School with Sally Hansen

Also, as if we weren’t getting that whole 90’s idea by now, such things as vinyl and leopard print will also be back in the trend. This is all on the same degree of usage as the Eighties shoulder and the velvet in this season’s winterish clothing. Such unusual styles as combinaisons and the “military” outfit and air force jackets have also gained traction across the fashion capitals of the world. Fashion shows from Milan and London to Edinburgh, New York, and Paris have all had these appear. So, with such a wide variety of funky styles, what would be your personal choice for the Holidays season?

Who are you? What is your style? It often happens that we don’t know what to wear and how to look both glamorous and elegant. Read this post and probably you’ll receive answers on questions to were interested in.

With the world of fashion generally known for looping similar trends over the years, one might expect that this time it will be no different story. However, though the fall-winter trends this year borrow heavily from the last year’s ideas and aesthetics, some of the trends that we as the customers are offered vary a bit with its fresh touch of originality…

Long story short, the main factor this next season is the boldness and audacity. Audacity is the name of the game for next season. And you need to actually feel a little bit more empowered than usual in order to carry off the deluge of mauve and pink, electro furs, couture red and glitter lurex from head to toe that ruled the runways in the fashion capitals. Do you already feel over excited about this? If not, let’s delve more into which specific colors and hues will be prominent among the urban fashionistas this winter. The Bubblegum pink is said to be featured in virtually every major fashion collection out there, almost on par with white at times.

All about Millennial Pink

What is “Millennial Pink” and why is it has become so popular? First it was called “blush”, then – “Acne Pink” (after the clothing studio nailed the shade with their signature shopping bags). Finally it got its name – “Millennial Pink”.

Who are you? What is your style? It often happens that we don’t know what to wear and how to look both glamorous and elegant. Read this post and probably you’ll receive answers on questions to were interested in.

With the world of fashion generally known for looping similar trends over the years, one might expect that this time it will be no different story. However, though the fall-winter trends this year borrow heavily from the last year’s ideas and aesthetics, some of the trends that we as the customers are offered vary a bit with its fresh touch of originality…

Also, as if we weren’t getting that whole 90’s idea by now, such things as vinyl and leopard print will also be back in the trend. This is all on the same degree of usage as the Eighties shoulder and the velvet in this season’s winterish clothing. Such unusual styles as combinaisons and the “military” outfit and air force jackets have also gained traction across the fashion capitals of the world. Fashion shows from Milan and London to Edinburgh, New York, and Paris have all had these appear. So, with such a wide variety of funky styles, what would be your personal choice for the Holidays season?

Long story short, the main factor this next season is the boldness and audacity. Audacity is the name of the game for next season. And you need to actually feel a little bit more empowered than usual in order to carry off the deluge of mauve and pink, electro furs, couture red and glitter lurex from head to toe that ruled the runways in the fashion capitals. Do you already feel over excited about this? If not, let’s delve more into which specific colors and hues will be prominent among the urban fashionistas this winter. The Bubblegum pink is said to be featured in virtually every major fashion collection out there, almost on par with white at times.

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How Event Designer Can Help Your Event Stand Out

How Event Designer Can Help Your Event Stand Out

With perfectly balanced clean style Kava theme becomes a natural choice if You’re looking for the theme to be easily transformed into E-Store, for example.

Kava contains 30 demos as for now, and we’re planning to release more! Except astonishing demos, Kava theme has more and more beneficial features for users, business, companies, developers, bloggers and other categories of users. Even if you are an absolute beginner in website building, you’ll appreciate Elementor page builder’s simplicity and comfortable visual mode. Jet plugins were specially developed to provide users with additional functionality in this page editor. Jet plugins main advantage is containing modules which are not included in standard Elementor bundle.

There Are No Limits to Define Your Style.

Add multiple WooCommerce widgets presented as pre-designed modules and equip your store with breathtaking widgets and elements, necessary for successful online trading. Your customers will appreciate your site look and definitely recommend it via their social media accounts. There are limitless options, which can be implemented. Kava theme fully meets the requirements of responsiveness to display your web site perfectly on all devices. Kava will adapt your site automatically, so your visitors will be able to enter the site from either mobile phone or stationery PC.

You get professionally prepared high resolution images with Kava. Your visitor’s screen size is detected and re-scaled version of your web page automatically delivered accordingly. You also get many other useful features.

Kava is a unified mulipurpose theme with tons of options, features, innovative tools, high-quality images, top-notch plugins and many other elemets. Add multiple WooCommerce widgets presented as pre-designed modules and equip your store with breathtaking widgets and elements.

Lifetime Subscription gives you much wider opportunities of using the theme and its benefits. There is such an amazing service as lifetime updates of all plugins. Kava is equipped with such stunning plugins as JetElements, JetMenu, JetBlogs and other Jets. Besides, you will get all your plugins updated as well. This feature is great, because all of our plugins are beeing upgraded constantly.

You Get More with Lifetime Subscribtion

We enhance them with additional features, options and add brand-new tools, so your theme would work much better. Another benefit of lifetime subscribtion is access to all demos. In future we’re planning to update our demos collection with new items. Our today’s collection includes 30 demos. Their main characteristic is that they fit almost every topic. There are either variants for online shops, blogs, business companies and sport clubs. If you’re planning to expand your business spheres, this may be an attractive bonus for you!

Kava is a unified mulipurpose theme with tons of options, features, innovative tools, high-quality images, top-notch plugins and many other elemets. With its affordable price it is more than beneficial for every user!

Kava is one of the most easy to use themes for WordPress, being at the same time incredibly functional! It fits either beginners, developers and bloggers. Stunning demos were designed by the best experts!

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Why You Need a Professional’s Help

Why You Need a Professional’s Help

With perfectly balanced clean style Kava theme becomes a natural choice if You’re looking for the theme to be easily transformed into E-Store, for example.

Kava contains 30 demos as for now, and we’re planning to release more! Except astonishing demos, Kava theme has more and more beneficial features for users, business, companies, developers, bloggers and other categories of users. Even if you are an absolute beginner in website building, you’ll appreciate Elementor page builder’s simplicity and comfortable visual mode. Jet plugins were specially developed to provide users with additional functionality in this page editor. Jet plugins main advantage is containing modules which are not included in standard Elementor bundle.

There Are No Limits to Define Your Style.

Add multiple WooCommerce widgets presented as pre-designed modules and equip your store with breathtaking widgets and elements, necessary for successful online trading. Your customers will appreciate your site look and definitely recommend it via their social media accounts. There are limitless options, which can be implemented. Kava theme fully meets the requirements of responsiveness to display your web site perfectly on all devices. Kava will adapt your site automatically, so your visitors will be able to enter the site from either mobile phone or stationery PC.

You get professionally prepared high resolution images with Kava. Your visitor’s screen size is detected and re-scaled version of your web page automatically delivered accordingly. You also get many other useful features.

Kava is a unified mulipurpose theme with tons of options, features, innovative tools, high-quality images, top-notch plugins and many other elemets. Add multiple WooCommerce widgets presented as pre-designed modules and equip your store with breathtaking widgets and elements.

Lifetime Subscription gives you much wider opportunities of using the theme and its benefits. There is such an amazing service as lifetime updates of all plugins. Kava is equipped with such stunning plugins as JetElements, JetMenu, JetBlogs and other Jets. Besides, you will get all your plugins updated as well. This feature is great, because all of our plugins are beeing upgraded constantly.

You Get More with Lifetime Subscribtion

We enhance them with additional features, options and add brand-new tools, so your theme would work much better. Another benefit of lifetime subscribtion is access to all demos. In future we’re planning to update our demos collection with new items. Our today’s collection includes 30 demos. Their main characteristic is that they fit almost every topic. There are either variants for online shops, blogs, business companies and sport clubs. If you’re planning to expand your business spheres, this may be an attractive bonus for you!

Kava is a unified mulipurpose theme with tons of options, features, innovative tools, high-quality images, top-notch plugins and many other elemets. With its affordable price it is more than beneficial for every user!

Kava is one of the most easy to use themes for WordPress, being at the same time incredibly functional! It fits either beginners, developers and bloggers. Stunning demos were designed by the best experts!


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